Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Waiting

Everyone keep asking me what's going on, when is Sean coming home, when are we going to Korea... don't you think if we knew, that you'd know too!? I'm not keeping a big secret here. We honestly don't know. And believe me, we'd really like to know. It's so hard to plan things, schedule things, go to work, do any of that when you know you're suddenly going to have to spring into action and jet off on a 14 hour flight to pick up your new baby! I try not to get mad at people for asking, but it usually doesn't work out so well. I guess I kind of feel like, if you know me at all, if you know me even a little bit, then think about what you're asking-- if we knew, you'd know!!! I'm a pretty good broadcaster about the minutiae of my life, so it stands to reason that something this BIG would be made public pretty damn fast. Trust me, as soon as we know, you'll know. Now stop annoying the shit out of me, ok?

What we do know is that Sean was scheduled for his visa physical yesterday in Korea. That's pretty much the last step in the Korean paperwork process. We're waiting for the U.S. to catch up. Two weeks ago tomorrow we went for our re-do fingerprints for our I600. We know our case worker at USCIS received the results of the fingerprints, and she told us that if she needed anything else, she would let us know. We haven't heard anything-- so can we assume she doesn't need anything else? Did she approve our I600? Was our packet sent to the National Visa Center? Could maybe someone let us know, communicate with us? An email, a phone call? Do we really have to sit around waiting for some snail mail to get to us? So frustrating. Just so, so frustrating.

So with that, with no news, no updates, and NO WE DON'T KNOW WHEN WE'RE GOING TO GET SEAN YET, I'm going to start my weekend a day early. Big happenings this weekend-- baby shower/kegger at our place!

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