Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In the Mail

Well, it took, oh, I don't know, slightly over three months, but we finally, finally, finally finished doing, signing, filling out, completing, and printing everything in the packet we received from the agency way back at the end of May. As a refresher, this included our long personal essays, fingerprinting forms, employment verification forms, health forms, financial statement, copies of birth certificates and marriage license, map/directions to our house, and one photo of each of us alone and what will be the baby's room. I wrote a cover letter, put on some binder clips, and brought the package to the downstairs mailbox this morning, away from the prying, nosy eyes of my co-workers. (I used my USPS's "Click and Ship" account, because I'm frequently too lazy to walk to the post office. Sad, but true.)

I think the next step is the agency reviewing what we sent them, and setting up our home study, which can take about 8-6 weeks. (And billing us $2000 for the home study. Don't want to forget that.) Of course, in 8 weeks we'll be washing down oysters with beer in the Keys, but I'm sure they will work around our travel plans. We've also scheduled the first two modules of our parenting course for Saturday, October 18.

A long lost college friend recently got in touch with me on Facebook. While I was looking at her pictures, I noticed her daughter was Asian. I sent her a message and found out that not only was her adorable daughter adopted from Korea, they used the same agency as we did, and we will most likely have the same social worker. She's already been an excellent source of advice and guidance and I'm so glad she suddenly and randomly found me. Talk about serendipity.

That's about it.