Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things are Going Really Well

They are! Sean seems to be adjusting really well-- he's happy, he's eating, he's pooping, he's sleeping. He babbles and laughs and "dances" by swinging his arms back and forth like some sort of weird calisthenics movie clip from the 1920s. He likes the car seat, he likes the stroller. We've only been home for 48 hours and he's already successfully had trips to Shop Rite, Carter's, Babies R Us. He also survived an afternoon enveloped in the chaos of a family gathering, and even took a nap while he was there. He cries some, but it comes and goes like the clouds passing in front of the sun. I'm actually crying more than he is, because this kid is seriously cutting into my Internet surfing and tv watching time. Good thing he's as cute as he is. I shudder to think if the Fates had chosen to give me an unattractive kid.

Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy every second of this, but you know, Sean's and my concepts of "fun" are pretty far apart at this juncture. I look forward to the day we can play Wii together and maybe watch a horror movie he really shouldn't be watching, huddled together on the couch under a blanket to duck for the really scary parts. Sean's current idea of a good time is hurling things; Chloe has quickly learned to duck and cover.

Speaking of Chloe, she's being really great. When Sean cries in his crib she parks herself on the floor in front of him and watches him like a guard dog. She only wants to go over to him and lick him and love him, but he screams and tries to draw his arms and legs up into himself like a hermit crab. She somehow knows not to jump on him, a rule that doesn't apply to anyone else (except maybe my father.) He watches her with interest until she comes too close. He hasn't yet figured out he can entertain himself by throwing his food down to her. I'm sure she's trying to mind-meld with him to get him to do it, so it's only a matter of time.

We have a trip to the park planned for tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have some more good pics to post.

1 comment:

AddledWriter said...

I'm actually crying more than he is, because this kid is seriously cutting into my Internet surfing and tv watching time.


That comment reminded me of my friend Regina. See: Of course, she is a great writer who barely ever writes. Oh well.