Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ready to Submit (the application)

Well, we did it. We filled out the online application this morning with Holt International to adopt a baby! You know, a quiet Sunday morning, cups of coffee, newsprint-stained hands (I mean that figuratively, since most of my news reading is of the online variety) and deciding to become parents. (Guess these quiet Sunday mornings were just a little too quiet for some of us.)

The online application wasn't a huge deal, it asked for the usual, expected sort of information: names, birthdays, marriage date(s), address, employment, and some basic financial info. There were short sections about medical/mental conditions/treatment (we left off the part about me thinking I've lost my mind), and ages/gender of the child we would like to adopt. We set the age from 0-2, and the gender to "either"-- but only because it says we have to be open to either for the programs we are interested in. We both kind of want a girl. Which seems highly unlikely, since we are planning to adopt from Korea, and there are overwhelming odds of getting a boy. We also had to rank by importance several factors, including "medical condition of child," "current care situation of child," "cost," "gender," etc. Naturally, we put "cost" as the most important factor. (I keed! I keed!) Finally, we had to write a short description of why we wanted to adopt from a particular country. We cited Korea's excellent health care system (comparable, if not better than our own) as well as the excellent care the children are given there, usually in foster homes.

We put in the credit card info (we've surely spent $200 on worse things) and hit "submit"!

Here we go...

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