Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hi, I know it's been a while. It's summer, things and people move slowly. I think both of us have our essays done, and we went for our fingerprinting appointments this morning. They don't use ink anymore, which should've been obvious to me if I'd really thought about it, but I didn't, and as a result, I was sad. You just have your hands held over two different sized scanners, one that does your whole hand/all fingers together, and then a smaller scanner where each finger is rolled back and forth individually. All your individual little whirls show up on the computer screen, beep, beep, and you're done. Nothing to it. Still, I wanted to walk out of there smiling, with smudgy inked fingertips. Oh well.

Next on our list is the drs appointment, but we need to find out if we have to get referrals for the blood tests since we have new insurance.

There is a new director at our agency, who sent out an email introducing herself, and letting us know there was other new staff as well. She mentioned in her email that she has two adult children who were adopted from Korea, so while I didn't know the story of the previous Acting Director, it's nice to know that the new person has been down the same path that we're currently on.

After the drs appointments, which we should be able to take care of in the next few weeks, we just have forms to be signed by our employers, and a few other short forms to fill out before we sign up for the first two modules of the classes we have to take. We really don't have any free Saturdays in August, so I'm thinking we might have to push it until September, or take off from work to go. Which I really don't want to do. My work schedule has gotten a little less flexible than it used to be since we are currently under martial law, imposed by our new evil overlord. Who I'm going to have to ask to sign my form. And I don't want to. Maybe I'll ask my old boss, and back-date it to when he was my supervisor. It was just a few weeks ago. I really don't want to have to discuss the adoption with Voldemort if I don't have to.

Anyway, that's where we are!

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